Photo de Emerson JEGANATHAN


Décédé le 22 octobre 2020
Photo de Emerson JEGANATHAN
Décédé le 22 octobre 2020


177 avenue Berthelot
69007 Lyon 7
mercredi 28 octobre 2020 à 09h30

Message de la famille

Chère famille, chers amis,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès d'Emerson JEGANATHAN survenu jeudi 22 octobre 2020 à Bron.

Un service de plantation d’arbre hommage est disponible ici.


Déroulé des obsèques

  • 1


    177 avenue Berthelot
    69007 Lyon 7
    Le mercredi 28 octobre 2020 à 09h30
  • 2


    228, avenue Berthelot
    69008 Lyon 8
    Le mercredi 28 octobre 2020 à 11h00

Rendez hommage à M. JEGANATHAN

Plantez un arbre du souvenir

Arbre du sourvenir
volunteer_activismUn hommage durable et symbolique
Locale, drapeau de la France Planté en France dans le respect de l’écosystème local
history_eduCertificat de plantation

Faites livrer des fleurs à la famille de M. JEGANATHAN

Bouquet de deuil Empathie
storefrontPartenariat avec un artisan fleuriste local
volunteer_activism0,50€ reversés à Alzheimer France par bouquet
local_shipping Livraison à l’adresse de votre choix


Conservez un souvenir des hommages rédigés dans un beau livre

Exemple de livre hommage
Le livre hommage met à l'honneur les différents messages et photos partagés sur cet espace avec une mise en page élégante.

63 hommages ont été rendus

  • Alexandre
    Il y a 3 ans

    I am sorry for your loss. I will remember Emerson as a smiling person. It was always a pleasure talking to him.

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  • Suresh Maddina
    Il y a 3 ans

    Emerson helped and guided me during my initial days of working in Siemens Lyon. He was a kind and helpful person. My deepest condolences

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  • WU Yi
    Il y a 3 ans

    I remember back to 2013 when I visited your place with Ashok, I had a wonderful dinner with you and your family. I learned from you that cold water with lemon and salt could be so tasty during hot summer. You helped us to book the ticket for climbing Eiffel tower... Deep condolence, from China, from WU Yi, from FAW and Weichai R.I.P

    0 personne(s) aime cet hommage
  • Julie
    Il y a 3 ans

    My condolences to Nancy and family. I only spent a month in the Lyon office with Emerson, but he left a lasting impression - so kind and helpful, and always with a smile. I hope the happy memories will bring more smiles for everyone.

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  • Deniz Unlu
    Il y a 3 ans

    I am so sorry for your loss. Emerson was a great guy and when I think of the time we spent chatting at the office, his serene smile is the first thing that comes to my mind. My sincere condolences.

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  • Pushparani
    Il y a 3 ans

    அதே ஆண்டில் உங்கள் சகோதரர் மற்றும் தாயை இழந்த எமிலி சகோதரி உங்களுக்கு மிகுந்த இரங்கல், உங்களுக்கும் அவரது மனைவிக்கும் ஆறுதல் கூற வார்த்தைகள் இல்லை, ஆனால் உங்கள் குடும்பத்திற்காக எங்கள் சர்வவல்லமையுள்ள கடவுளிடம் பிரார்த்தனை செய்ய நான் இடைவெளியில் நிற்பேன்

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  • Liviu
    Il y a 3 ans

    I'm deeply saddened about your loss. I have strong memories of the moment when Emerson joined the team in Lyon being very supportive and kind. I remember the business trip to Chennai when after a full week of hard work together he was the one offering to spend time with me during weekends, showing me the surroundings. He will remain forever in my heart and mind as a great colleague and friend. May he be at peace. Sincere condolences!

    0 personne(s) aime cet hommage
  • David Thomas,Kamala Rani,Berlin Paul,Sudharson Paul&Jones Berlin.
    Il y a 3 ans

    Everybody have their last journey to heaven is definite. But you left from us at an early stage, which is still unacceptable by us. The kids and nancy are missing you totaly and there is no words to express that. We beleive Our prayers will uphold your family. Bye Bye Emerson.

    0 personne(s) aime cet hommage
  • Julien Lagnier
    Il y a 3 ans

    All my sincerest and deepest thoughts in this so difficult moment. Emerson was always a positive and caring person. With his huge smile, always. My sincere condolences to the whole family, to Nancy and her children.

    0 personne(s) aime cet hommage
  • Oguz Emre
    Il y a 3 ans

    My deepest condolences to the entire family. I will always remember Emerson as a very kind, and talented colleague I worked with.

    0 personne(s) aime cet hommage

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